For the past days we had to watch more and more of Vollskogen disappear. Even though some patches (e.g., kulturminne with a very very narrow buffer) and some of the individual trees we marked are left standing, all this is heartbreaking.
However, as an article about the struggle in the latest Tuntreet edition [LINK] made clear, Vollskogen is still alive and can still regrow as long as is not sealed off with buildings. And all previous arguments against As Hageby remain.
This is why we are still here: There are plenty of alternatives to As Hageby and we want to see them turn into reality. For this we will make it as hard as possible for Opsahl to pursue their greenwashed dreams.
We already started this yesterday with putting up a banner in front of Pentagon. This way we seek to draws students’ attention to the nice new view they get thanks to Opsahl Bolig.
Join us and bring your creative ideas! We still meet every Monday at 17:00 to discuss how to move on. Next Monday (17/02) we meet in Hjerterommet at the Clock building at NMBU instead of our usual bonfire place.
Tell your friends and see you there, Vollskogen lever (fortstatt)! Gruppa